shed to one to hundreds. With the excitement of these gorgeous data, any aristocratic child who was a little bit ambitious couldn’t help it.

For a time, the arrogance of the main war faction in the kingdom was soaring, and it seemed that they could destroy the Orc Empire at any time.
Even King Caesar IV was affected by the general environment and couldn’t help but make suggestions in the past few days. However, the suggestions he gave were regarded as wrong answers by Hudson and he was eliminated first.
After being rejected, Caesar IV was brought back to reality and no longer fantasized about destroying the Orc Empire at once.
The main reason for leaning towards the peace faction at the moment is political needs.
As a disobedient marshal, Hudson’s military exploits were already prominent enough. As the war continued, Hudson’s influence in the military would further expand, which would be detrimental to the balance of power within the kingdom.
The originally planned internal checks and balances in the military, which had grown along with Hudson’s popularity, were now completely bankrupt.
As a king, Caesar IV also had a bit of a bottom line. Deliberately causing trouble and delaying his teammates, in his opinion, it was completely the work of a foolish king.
Caesar IV, who regarded himself as a wise king, would naturally not do it. For a while, I couldn’t think of a better solution, so I could only stare at the situation.
This situation lasted until the news of the orcs’ request for negotiations came, which made him see a different path, using political and diplomatic means to end the war.
By ending the war as soon as possible, the kingdom can resume normal operations as soon as possible, and the power that has been usurped by the military can slowly return to the king’s hands.
If it was delayed for too long, the kingdom’s army won the final victory on the battlefield, and the prime minister returned triumphantly, and the prime minister would have to make room for him. It would be difficult to take back power from the military.
With a glance, the Foreign Minister who understood everything stood up immediately and said: “Your Excellency, the account is not settled that way.
According to the intelligence collected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the three countries in China and the mainland have secretly started negotiations with the alien alliance, and high-level officials from both sides have met at least three times.
Maybe at some point, a secret agreement was signed between them. With a few of them in front, our little actions are not worth mentioning at all.
/Once the negotiations are successful, it is estimated that all countries in China and mainland China will follow suit. Even if the Human Alliance wanted to punish the crime, there were so many forces involved that they couldn’t conduct a thorough investigation.
As long as we do it covertly and leave no obvious evidence, even if the matter is leaked in the future, we can deny it.
The voice of the domestic war faction is easier to handle. As l

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